The recent disavowal follows the debut of her latest single Dirty Laundry, which features a confessional narrative appearing to reference her Destiny’s Child cohort’s runaway success since the trio split up to pursue solo careers.
The 32-year-old croons in the song about coming to terms with her friend and former bandmate's rise as a superstar and the feelings of rage that surface in the wake of being left behind.
Confessional singer: Kelly Rowland insists her
new single Dirty Laundry is not about her jealousy over Beyonce's
success, pictured in New York, on Wednesday
Supportive friend: Kelly revealed that Beyonce is a big fan of her new album Talk A Good Game, pictured in New York, on Monday
Despite the apparent lyrical disclosure, Kelly told In Touch: ‘I’m not saying I’m jealous of her [Beyoncé] by any means!
‘It’s so sad that people always go straight to that place [of jealousy]. It’s ridiculous.’
Personal: The 32-year-old says that her confessional single is more about her own struggles than it is about Beyonce
Although Kelly admits that the song does offer some clues to her personal life.
In the single, for her fourth solo album Talk A Good Game, Kelly belts out: 'When my sister was on stage killin' it like a (expletive)/ I was enraged, feelin' it like a (expletive)/ Bird in a cage/ You would never know what I was dealin' with.’
But the singer explains that the song is more about her than it is about her childhood friend: ‘It’s basically about me going through some struggles in my life while she [Beyoncé] was doing her thing.’
The explanation may be in keeping with another lyric from her confessional single, which appears to admit a sense of pride over her ‘sister’s’ success: ‘[We] went our separate ways but I was happy she was killin' it.’
Revealing lyrics: Rowland's new song talks about
how the meteoric success of an unnamed friend leaves her enraged and
feeling trapped
While the lyrics could indicate some bad blood between the former band mates, Kelly says Beyoncé is ‘incredibly supportive’.
She also revealed that Beyoncé heard Dirty Laundry soon after it was cut in the studio and only had good things to say about the track, explaining: ‘She was proud of me and thought the song was incredible.’
Star showing: Kelly was in the Big Apple for an appearance on Good Morning America
Adding: 'Honesty, like my mama always says, is always the best policy.'
Meanwhile, Kelly is contemplating a reunion for Destiny’s Child, saying: ‘If the ladies want to do it. I’d totally be excited. It’d be beautiful!’
Kelly will be on her Lights Out Tour until June 28 and her fourth album is scheduled for release June 18.
Reunited: Kelly, Beyone and Michelle Williams
reunited as Beyonce headlined the halftime show at the Super Bowl game
in New Orleans in February